
This post isn’t my usual blog post… I decided that this one will come totally unscripted and ill let my words be completely free. Years ago my fiancé wanted us to take a better path on health and fitness, the idea sounded great but I had absolutely no follow up. I saw him pushing himself daily to eat better, workout etc. I on the other hand wasn’t concerned with it all, at all. Cause and effect, I cook shitty, he eats shitty and all of his hard work goes down the drain. I wasn’t being supportive nor did I care. It didn’t make sense until now how big of a role support plays when in a relationship (even in a relationship with friends and family, it doesn’t have to be just your significant other) and how much he could’ve used my support. Now 4 years, 1 kid and 6 months pregnant later I have completely made a 360 with my health, fitness and overall lifestyle. I like to look at everyone, including myself, as a seed of a tree or flower. As we get older we sprout and grow and grow and grow. I consider this time period of my life to be me growing. Shortly into my pregnancy I decided that I wasn’t going to wait 9 months to get off of my ass and make a change and so it started. But I didn’t just end it with going to the gym… which by the way is 100% my me time and my sanity. In month 5 I cut out all red meat. Now month 6 my fiancé and I decided we are going to be plant based vegans. For those of you who don’t know I have an 8-month old son, my Tally baby, who we are also raising to be a plant based vegan too. Aside from this blog, my YouTube channel, my makeup, being a stay at home mommy, being a cook, my veganism and gym going, I have my fiancés support in another venture I am going on… training to become a Doula. Which I will say I received my first book in the mail today and I am absolutely stoked to get reading. I know I’m rambling, but that’s when I know I’m happy. Moral of this blog if you haven’t already got lazy eyed… stop making excuses for yourself. If you want to do something, why wait? DO IT! If someone you’re in a relationship with needs your support, support them, and support yourself. I know sometimes its easier said then done, actually a lot of times it is. But you are your biggest enemy and that statement is 100% true.

Helpful tip: It wasn’t until lately I became very goal based and I recommend you write down your goals too, because it helps especially when you don’t know where to start. So write it out, long term, short term, financial, happiness, health, all of them! Then get to it, but don’t overwhelm yourself. I will leave you all off with a quote I heard this week and then I promise I’m done rambling!

“If you think it ink it, if you ink it you’ll think it”

XO-Demi Vee

Having a baby where?!

What better place else then in the comfort of my own home. Yes, that’s correct, at home.

A lot of you are probably wondering why on earth would you want a home birth. Well, read on.

I had my first born at a beautiful hospital and had an amazing nurse, as most women are able to say. It wasn’t until after, I mean months after that I realized my labor went nothing how I wanted it to.

Essentially I had a birth plan and a list of people that were allowed in my room. I also went in firmly knowing I wanted an all natural birth. I researched and researched exercises to preform during labor, breathing techniques etc. all… for nothing. I wanted to get up and walk, they wouldn’t allow me to. I couldn’t move freely. After reaching 5cm nurses were convincing me to get an epidural and after that the rest was a blur. I caved and got an epidural and although the pain was gone and I literally felt absolutely nothing while having my son, emotionally I wasn’t there either. I had gotten an allergic reaction to my epidural I was scratching myself so hard I’m surprised I didn’t tear my skin. From that point on all I remember was my son was born and I was allowed to hold him for what seemed like 2 seconds before they took him away to do the routine. Everything was so “rushy” and my actual doctor didn’t even deliver my baby. Go figure.

With my son I considered having a home birth but at the time the place I was living at didn’t feel like home, the decision just didn’t feel right. Honestly I’m glad I was able to experience a hospital birth because it is making me appreciate every step of my home water birth that much more. Up until 21 weeks with what’s now my second pregnancy I was having horrible anxiety thinking of another hospital birth. I had to switch doctors since we moved north and me not enjoying my doctor nor the hospital I was planned to deliver at wasn’t making me feel any better. I thought it was too late to do what I really wanted but it wasn’t. I was lucky enough to find a mid-wife who I absolutely love and lucky enough to plan the labor I’ve always wanted. Labor and giving birth is supposed to be an experience and I can’t say I’ve had the experience. I was another statistic in the hospital whose labor went how they wanted, not I.

My home is my sanctuary and my fiancé is behind my decision 110%. My anxiety is gone and now I’m just so at peace with every conversation/decision made so far. I am not making this decision to be “brave” or to be considered a “warrior”. I’m making this decision because it makes me happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a hospital birth, as long as YOU are happy and at peace. This is my personal story and experience and I’m going to allow you guys to follow my journey. I hope you guys enjoy.


XO- DemiVee

Occupation: Stay at home mom

          8 months ago my fiancé and I made the decision that I wouldn’t be returning back to work after my maternity leave. I had a new job to pursue. There was no interview and call back, I also didn’t need to bring in my bank account and routing number to receive direct deposit. This job was different, it was a sacrifice we both had to make and I was scared as $#!T! Stay at home mom was my new occupation. Sounds fabulous doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to be their own boss, be in the comfort of their own home and have their bed right at their toes. Well, anyone who knows what entails being a stay at home mom knows it most definitely is not a vacation! I was lucky enough to have someone who had the same outlook on daycares as me. Not until I had my baby did I really accept the fact that I would not be returning to work. I knew I wanted to stay home with my baby, but the thought of no paycheck wouldn’t leave my mind. Now 8 months later I can honestly say this is the best decision I have ever made. I may not be getting paid in money anymore, but the payment I receive now is both unexplainable and priceless. Of course everyday isn’t a walk in the park and some I’d honestly rather be in an office filing papers… its quieter there, ha-ha. I can say that the two most important things through this whole process are both support and me time! Having support is HUGE. Without support, especially support from my significant other, I couldn’t imagine being as happy as I am now. I couldn’t imagine being able to really appreciate and enjoy my new job. But something a little bit more selfish, definitely plays a HUGE roll as well, me time. Whether its for 5 minutes or an hour make sure you make time for YOU and only you. Now is also the time where you have no excuse but to do what you’ve always wanted. I hear a lot of people say how all of your dreams get put to the side when you have a kid. Me personally, I feel the complete opposite. If you have a goal peruse it, make your dream a reality, now is the time. Soon I will be a stay at home mom of two and I couldn’t picture it any other way.

“A goal without a deadline is only a dream”

XO- DemiVee



Bare skin is the best form of beauty!

            But… let’s be real we all aren’t blessed with perfect flawless skin. It has taken me quite some time to learn my skin and quite some time to learn that what works on my favorite beauty gurus may just not work out for me. Unfortunately, we all fall for it. Going out and buying hundreds of dollars’ worth of skin care products that just do not work out and who really likes to make an extra trip to Sephora to return products. I know I don’t. My skin is for sure dry and can get very red but luckily I have finally found my holy grail of skin care products and I recommend those who have the same type of skin to test it out and see how it works for you. Here are the products I use:

  1. Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser $13*
  2. Any eye makeup remover (I’m currently using Lumene) $6*
  3. Clarisonic Mia Skin Cleansing System $99*
  4. Mario Badescu Seaweed Cleansing Soap $14
  5. Clinique Clarifying Lotion 1 $14*
  6. L’Oreal Age Perfect Cell Renewal Night Cream $24


  1. Belif The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb $38

*only used when I wear makeup

Now skincare isn’t all what you apply to the face but a lot of it has to do with what you consume. YOUR DIET! Drinking generous amounts of water daily has many benefits, your skin being one of them. Greasy foods are a HUGE no. I know if I eat just one McDonalds fry I have a pimple showing up any moment. Nobody knows your skin better than you, what breaks you out, what kind of skin you have etc. I’m hoping this has helped somewhat and if you try any of these products let me know how it works out for you!

XO- DemiVee

I made it!

It took long enough but I am finally here.

          I created this blog months ago, knowing eventually I would commit to the idea of actually posting. I guess what always worried me is who is really going to read it and care what I have to say… aside from my fiancé who has no choice ha-ha and the supportive friends and family members. I am definitely on a very exciting journey in my life and created this blog to share some of my personal experiences, baby tips, DIY projects, beauty tips, recipes and more! Hope you all follow along.

XO- DemiVee